He vowed to destroy the Resistance and then incinerate the Ahch-To island, ending the Jedi Order. When she arrived on the Supremacy to do so, Snoke used his Force powers to rip Skywalker’s location from her memory. One thing for sure is that if Snoke ties in with something we've seen in previous episodes, then the answer could be more enjoyable than anything related to the aforementioned factors. Snoke had created the connection, betting that Rey would respond to Kylo’s conflict and try to turn him from the dark side. Yet no matter how much fans want to know the answers to those questions, they are still perhaps even more excited for Snoke. While the chances are that Snoke could simply be a new character, where is the fun in that? We want to know if Rey is Luke's daughter, and we deserve answers! We want to know if Finn is force sensitive! And if so, to what extent? Death may have come for Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin and Han Solo, but does that mean their adventures are done being told? Maul was still alive when last seen during events of The Clone Wars, and still alive by the end of his last appearance in a D-canon comic.

Some are plausible, some ridiculous, and others begin a snowball that begins to grow into a well defined theory. I'm one of them, and as a result, I have compiled the 10 best "possible identities" to share with you, my fellow fanatics. So now, after being presented with a new leader of darkness, Star Wars fans across the globe are asking the question that is on everyone's mind, Who is Supreme Leader Snoke? While there is no way to know for sure, that won't stop the internet from guessing their hearts out. Luke to Darth Vader, Kylo Ren to Han Solo and Princess Leia to Padme are only a few of the more high profile characters that have been shown to be related. In the Star Wars universe, the biggest characters generally have a link to someone we've already come across.