The Mind still had an unfinished directive to attain divinity and organised a series of test invasions to better exploit the paracausal physics of the world. Quria prevented this by positioning itself on the other side of the portal and built a device to keep it open. The Hive pantheon launched their own attack against the Vex incursion when the Deathsinger twin sisters of Ir Anûk and Ir Halak constructed an Annihilator Totem to repel the Vex, whilst Crota attempted to close the gate he opened. Quria, Blade Transform invading the throne world of Oryx.

Crota attempted to fight these Vex, but they teleported away and slaughtered thousands of Hive in order to establish themselves as new powers and to usurp the established hegemony. Soon it summoned a warrior class of Vex to flood the realm through the portal. Quria deduced the secrets of the Sword Logic and understood that for the Vex to succeed they must kill everything to become powerful as only the strongest entities were able to rule and with the ultimate aim to survive anything in the universe. The Mind was built with aim of deducing the metaphysical framework that governed Oryx's realm. The Vex then reformulated their strategy and sent the problem to a higher consciousness known as the "ritual-of-better-thoughts" who manifested a new Axis Mind into existence named Quria, Blade Transform. The machines quickly dominated his father's throne and constructed large problems to understand the rules of the realm, however they lacked the ability to understand the Sword Logic and perplexing geometry of the world. Crota, Son of Oryx once aspired to match the powers of his sister's and cut open a wound into an unknown region of space with the goal of obtaining new secret power, however, he unknowingly released the Vex onto the throne world of Oryx, the Taken King. The origins of Quria emanates from an ancient conflict between the Vex and the Hive. Then I will be powerful." - Quria, deducing the Sword Logic. Later, Quria played an integral role as the architect of the Endless Night, and served as the season antagonist for " Season of the Splicer". Following Oryx's death, Quria served as the Taken commander for Savathûn, having acquired the ability to Take via paracausally-enhanced simulations of Oryx. The Mind was later gifted by the Taken King to his sister, Savathûn, the Witch-Queen.
Quria was unsuccessful in its campaign against Oryx and was Taken, but retained a measure of free will. Quria was created by the Vex with the objective of conquering Oryx's throne world and unravelling its secrets by gaining an understanding of the Sword Logic. Quria, Blade Transform, also known as the Dreaming Mind, is a Vex Axis Mind Hydra that was Taken by Oryx, the Taken King.